To define what is the ideal nose of a patient, the doctor makes a preliminary study of his face. A personalized work in which facial harmony is taken into account. Although the study is personalized, we could say that there is a type of rhinoplasty for each nose shape.
The most frequent are:
- Big noses In these cases, patients usually demand reduction rhinoplasty. Its main objective is to balance the size of the nose with the rest of the elements of the face. The operation usually modifies the nostrils when they are very wide, nose tips too prominent or thick, and gibed bridges.
- Noses without proportion. For these occasions increase rhinoplasty is performed. This intervention aims to achieve a better definition of the nose as a whole or in some of its parts. It usually affects the cartilage and sometimes involves grafts, hence a specific study of the area that includes data on the type and thickness of the skin is necessary.
In any case, this classification is very general and is extended with different subdivisions taking into account qualitative and quantitative aspects.
The most frequent are: variations in length and width, the shape of the nose and / or the position of it.